
Why Black Women Cannot Be Vulnerable Leaders
Although recent research says that vulnerability is a component of great leaders, for Black women in corporate America, it’s not that simple.

The Assumptions We Make
I was recently part of a group conversation where we were discussing “articulating your value.” … One young woman had developed an impressive framework to illustrate how she thinks about her value value proposition. She shared it with the entire group which elicited many “oohs” and “aahhs”…all well deserved, because it was outstanding work…. And then, one person made a remark that stopped me dead in my tracks…. “Did you develop this yourself? Or did somebody help you with this?” … I just have to talk about the assumptions implied by this question.

Successful Single Mothers
Most everyone I know wants to be both the best employee they can be and the best parent their child needs them to be. Too often, these goals are in conflict and even more so as a single mother.

Everyone: Continue to Speak Up!
Here we are with the dog days of summer upon us. Scorching days, breezy nights, just like every year….hold up! It’s not every year, is it? Time continues to march on, but along the way, let’s not take our eyes off of the prize.

How To Speak Up
As someone who spent over 30 years in corporate America and often found myself to be the only woman and the only African-American in meeting after meeting after meeting, I want to talk to other African-Americans who find themselves in the spotlight right now. If there are others reading this, I invite you to do so, but I wanted to be clear to whom these thoughts are addressed.

Be a Baller When You Travel
You’ve done the work, aced the interview and gotten the job. Next? Your first business trip! During my 30+ years in corporate America, I have traveled to 39 of 50 states and internationally across Western Europe, Africa, China and Japan. There is an art and a science to traveling for business and I’m here to break it down for you!

The Art of the Business Dinner
As any boss lady knows, sometimes the REAL meeting is the night before or the evening after—NOT in the boardroom. Often, your best deals and greatest progress happen in a setting where everyone can feel more relaxed. Don’t let an evening of small talk and wine throw you off your game. It might be a dinner, but you need to be all about your business. Here is how to show up and stand out!

From Just A Dream to Reality
Part of growing up is being able to support yourself and sometimes provide for others as well. In other words, we need a J-O-B! However, that reality doesn’t mean it has to be only work and no fun! In fact, the more you love what you do, the more likely you will be successful and happy doing it. But all too often, we find ourselves working just to get by.
So, how does your job life go from dream to reality?